Help Us Grow Our Familee!

Carrollton, TX (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help Us Grow Our Familee!

by Xavier Lee

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $12,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,000.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,000.00 raised of $12,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Carrollton, TX (US)

Xavier Lee is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi everyone! We are Holly & Xavier, The Lee family. Thank you for taking the time to read about our story.

Our fertility journey started in 2019 when we found out that we were pregnant with our first child. Excited would be an understatement as this would be an extension of our love & family. Unfortunately, the very next night Holly started having excruciating pain on the lower right side of her stomach. This was unknowingly the beginning of a long road ahead of us. After being hospitalized, we found out that Holly had an ectopic pregnancy and needed surgery immediately. The surgery ended with her right tube being removed. While in surgery, the doctor discovered that Endometriosis was the cause of our ectopic pregnancy. We had no idea that Holly had Endometriosis, let alone what it was or what caused it.

A few months later we went to a specialist to get HSG (Hysterosalpingography) testing done to see if Holly’s left fallopian tube was blocked, due to our prior ectopic pregnancy & Endometriosis diagnosis. The test results came back in our favor, her tube was clear and we got the go ahead to continue trying to conceive.

Following the HSG test we ended up getting pregnant three more times but had miscarriages with all of the pregnancies. These hurt just as bad if not worse than our prior obstacles with the ectopic pregnancy. We began to question if we would ever be able to conceive a child. In 2021, we got pregnant again and we were hoping this time would be different then our previous experiences. At our first appointment, all of the initial testing came back normal and we finally felt like we could breathe. Later that week, Holly felt that something just didn’t feel right. Given our prior experiences, we decided to call her doctor to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Two days before her appointment Holly began having lower stomach pains on her left side and light spotting. Holly’s doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything was normal and that the baby was ok. Soon after, we got the worst news that we could have ever expected. Even though Holly’s left tube wasn’t blocked, she had another ectopic pregnancy. Her doctor went over possible outcomes and advised us that she would do everything she could to save Holly’s fallopian tube. The surgery was successful, but unfortunately her tube was ruptured and couldn’t be saved. This news felt final and we felt an overwhelming sense of lost. The doctor explained to us that our last shot at having a child would be through IVF. Which leads us to our continued journey to expand our family.

Despite all of the obstacles that have come with infertility we are still very hopeful and optimistic. We are working towards it everyday. Though what we went through was very life altering and morally defeating at times, we are still here with hopes of growing our family.

We genuinely appreciate you taking the time to read our story. All thoughts and prayers for expanding our family are greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

Name Donation Date
Heather Fricke $50.00 February 10, 2023
Anonymous $50.00 February 08, 2023
Nadia Massey $30.00 February 08, 2023
Anonymous $500.00 February 08, 2023
Julianne Little $40.00 February 08, 2023
Sophina Pham $100.00 February 08, 2023
Bridgette Brewer $30.00 February 08, 2023
Kharthy Mai $50.00 February 07, 2023
Tiffany Carmona $100.00 February 07, 2023
Leila Hassan Chavez $50.00 February 07, 2023